The Top 10 Weight Loss Secrets

For many, weight loss seems like a difficult thing. Maybe you've tried things in the past...diets, workouts, pills, creams, ANYTHING to help get the weight off, but it seems like no matter how hard you try, it either doesn't come off at all, or it comes right back on.

Why do you think that is?
I believe that successful weight loss is based on a combination of sound nutrition principles, and regular exercise. Sounds easy, right? But here's the catch...THIS IS JUST THE BASIC OUTLINE FOR SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS. So what are the underlying reasons? Why does it seem like some people just eat whatever they want and stay skinny as a rail, and for some people, no matter what they try, or how hard they try it, just can't seem to get results?

I've created a list for you containing principles, that if taken to heart, and APPLIED to your life, will produce tremendous results. Listed here are the KEYS to losing weight, and keeping it off for good.

Now remember...I can provide the knowledge, but it is up to YOU to take the action. In the words of Emmerson, "Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed." In other words, it's not enough to simply know these weight loss secrets, you have to APPLY them to your life. I can not stress the importance of this one seemingly simple step.

Rest assured, no one is going to do this for you. You got yourself to where you are now, and it is YOU who has the power to turn it around, and get yourself to where, and to who, you want to be. But the AMAZING, TREMENDOUS thing about all of this is that YOU DO HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE. I'll say that again...YOU DO HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE! Know this, understand this, and live this, and I GUARANTEE your success in weight loss, or any other venture you choose to pursue in life.

It appears as though many people want to shift blame for their current situation to anyone, or anything but themselves. Whether it's finances, relationships, work, family, or health related, as humans we sometimes have a tendency to create external reasons for our problems. If you ever find yourself saying, "If only so and so had done this differently, I could have..." or, " If only I had this, I could..." or anything like this, I suggest you stop and take a good look at the real reason why you don't have exactly what you want in your life. Is it because of other people and circumstances, or is the real reason because of a lack of action, or purpose on your part?

Now, I realize this can be a difficult thing to do, and I don't mean to imply that everything in every person's life is the result of a lack of action. I understand circumstances like the death of a loved one, or being diagnosed with a terminal illness can be devastating events in a person's life, and can be entirely unrelated to a lack of action.

What I am suggesting, however, is that you have the ability to respond to every situation in your life, and make the best of it. I'm saying YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE how you interpret events, and circumstances in your life. If you choose to be a victim, then that's exactly what you'll be. If you choose to blame other people, or reasons for your inability to lose weight, then you are NOT taking responsibility for yourself or your life, and I guarantee you WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT!

If you've ever found yourself saying..."I just don't have the time to exercise...I don't like healthy foods...No matter what I try I can't lose weight...It's just in my genes to be heavy," or anything like this, then just STOP!
I've got news for you, my friends. You have the time, you just don't choose to make it. You may like healthy foods, you just choose not to try, because you like the taste of unhealthy ones. You haven't tried everything to lose weight, and if you chose a sensible plan, and STUCK to it, you could, and would lose weight. And no matter what your parents, brother, sister, aunt or uncle's waist line looks like, I GUARANTEE you have the power to make your waist line look exactly the way you want it to.

Step 1 is to stop making excuses, and start taking responsibility for your current physical state, and realize that you created this situation, but more importantly YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE, TO CREATE A NEW SITUATION, AND THE LIFE AND BODY YOU WANT!!!

This is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS in losing weight and keeping it off....the big WHY. Why do you eat? I don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm going to assume that if you're overweight, you don't only eat because you're hungry, but for a variety of other reasons as well. A lot of people eat because they're bored, or tired, or they are just used to eating when they arrive home from work, or when they watch TV at night, or when they go out with friends, and the list goes on and on.

For many people, eating is a deeply emotional, and psychological issue. People deal with painful experiences in their past or present, and with insecurities in their lives by eating. Food as comfort. This is one of the most destructive patterns a person can have, and it goes in direct opposition to weight loss success.

I am not suggesting to know the specific reason why you eat, but I invite you, as painful as it may be, to really spend some time with yourself, and identify why it is that you eat, what times of day you eat, what emotions you experience when you eat, and what emotions you experience when you overeat. By doing so you will unlock a door that many people never even get close to. I can not stress the importance of this step. Until you determine WHY you eat, you will not be able to fix the problem.

So, step 1 is taking responsibility, realizing you have the power to change, and step 2 is understanding why you eat.

As you probably know, there is a TON of information available regarding diets, proper nutrition, weight loss, strength training, and anything else you could ever desire to know about health and fitness. Some claim low carbs...some no carbs...some say only the right kinds of carbs...some say meat only...some say fruit and veggies only, some say no dairy, and some say no FOOD! So how do you know which diet and exercise program is the one for you? How do you know which path to choose?

The answer is to educate yourself. All of these diets, to varying degrees, will produce some kind of success...the key for you as a health conscious consumer, concerned about your own specific body and its specific needs, is to find out why each of these diets work. What is the effect of "good" carbs on the body? What is the effect of "bad" carbs? What happens, on a physiological level, if you eat no carbs, or only carbs...I want you to understand the importance of finding out WHY.

The truth is, that there is a TON of information available, and there are a TON of different ways to produce the results you want, and to lose as much weight as you want. The key is to really understand why a diet or exercise routine works. And perhaps even more important is to choose a program that works for YOU. One which you feel fits your nutritional requirements based on your individual food preferences, and one which will support the exercise regimen you decide to follow.

So remember, step 1 is to take responsibility for yourself, step 2 is to understand why you eat, and step 3 is to realize there is no one single food, or exercise combination that will produce results. MANY different things have the potential to help you reach your goals. The key is to understand WHY it works, and then CHOOSE the one that is right for you.

Your diet, the food you choose to eat, is a crucial step on your road to weight loss success. As I stated earlier, I believe weight loss success is achieved through a combination of sound nutritional principles and regular exercise. However, it seems as though much of the information available points toward an exact combination of foods, or the elimination of others, in order to successfully lose weight. I am here to tell you, this is not the case. You will be thin if you eat fewer calories than you expend. Plain and simple. But if you do not take to heart and APPLY the principles listed above, no matter which "diet" you choose, ultimately weight loss success will not be yours.

So, how do you know which diet to choose? The answer is as simple as understanding what your goal is, and how you intend to arrive there. Do you want to lose weight? Are you going to do a lot of aerobic exercise? Are you going to do a lot of anaerobic exercise? How often do you plan on exercising? How active are you in your daily life outside of exercise?

Once you have arrived at answers to these questions, you can begin to determine the nutritional requirements for you, your body, and your tastes. Based on your activity levels and your goals, you should eat the appropriate amount of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to supply your body with sufficient nutrients. The key is to choose the healthiest foods possible that fit your tastes, and that meet your requirements. Diets are not one size fits all.

Your body's main source of energy is carbohydrates, which come in two forms; simple and complex. Complex are starches from grains and vegetables. Examples of simple are sucrose, lactose, fructose, and glucose. No matter which type of carbohydrate you ingest, it ALL gets converted to glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar. The only difference then, between the simple and the complex carbohydrates, is the rate at which your body digests them. How much, at what times, and which type of carbohydrate you consume should be based on your tastes, your activity levels, and your goals.

Protein is another essential component of a healthy diet. Protein does far more for the body than build muscle. Proteins in the body in the form of enzymes, perform numerous functions, including keeping your brain, heart, and digestive system functioning properly. Protein is made from 20 different amino acids, 9 of which are considered "essential" amino acids. Essential because your body does not have the ability to manufacture these 9, it must obtain them from your diet. If you eat animal based foods, chances are you have nothing to worry about. However if you eat a vegetarian diet, then you must make it a point to eat the right combination of foods containing plant proteins which will supply your body with the 9 essential amino acids. So how much protein do you need? Again, as with carbohydrates, the amount you need depends largely upon your goals, and your activity levels.

Fats are often misunderstood. People shy away from high fat foods, consistently looking for "low" or "non-fat" foods, when if weight loss is the concern, people should be far more concerned about the calories, and the ingredients in their food, and not just the amount of fat that it has. Fat has a tendency to make people "fat" because it is so calorie dense. One gram of fat has 9 calories, whereas a gram of carbohydrates, or protein has only 4. There are different types of fat, some of which are healthy for the body, and some which are not. We need, on average, 15-25 grams of fat a day to provide our body with proper nutrition, and to ensure we have enough fatty acids to absorb the fat soluble vitamins. Your body can manufacture saturated, and monounsaturated fat from other foods that you eat, however it can not manufacture the fatty acids, or the omega-6 and omega-3. You must obtain these directly from foods which contain them. These fatty acids are built into the tissues of your heart, brain, and other vital organs, and must be replenished through your diet.

Adequate consumption of vitamins and minerals also plays an important role in healthy nutrition. The bottom line is that there is no one food you should be having, and no one food you shouldn't be having to attain weight loss success. The answer lies in understanding your body's requirements, and in fulfilling them with healthy, whole foods consumed in moderation. Once you determine what food is right for you, MAKE A PLAN AND STICK TO IT!!! Don't try it for a week then go to something else. KNOWLEDGE, PLANNING, and CONSISTENCY are the keys to a successful diet strategy.

Exercise is such an important tool in not only losing weight, but in keeping it off. This is because exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise will help you look and feel better. It will increase your energy, motivation, strength, confidence and self image.

Besides helping you look and feel great, regular exercise lowers your risk for developing a number of different diseases, health conditions, and cancers. It can improve the quality of your life.

Humans were meant to move! We have intricately designed skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular systems which provide us with enormous potential. Our bodies, like our minds, are capable of tremendous things. Humans have been able to climb 30,000 feet to the top of mount Everest. They compete in marathons, triathlons, and sporting events which draw the attention of millions of people around the world. Every body is capable of great things. Every person has enormous potential. I'm not saying you need to climb a mountain, or compete in a race, but I am telling you that if you want to, YOU CAN DO IT. And exercise is the key.

As far as weight loss is concerned, the type of exercise is not as important as the amount. You just need to get out and move. Run. Walk. Swim. Bike. Skip. Jump rope. Lift weights. JUST GET MOVING!

Exercise will accelerate weight loss, and it will help give you the body you want. You can lose weight through applying the above principles to your life, but you can only get a strong, toned, healthy body through regular exercise, and specifically through strength training. You can't ignore, or skip this. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, and you're serious about it, then get serious about starting an exercise program...TODAY!

In order to achieve weight loss success, you must commit to your program. After deciding on your specific requirements and choosing a diet and exercise regime, you must COMMIT to your program, and you must commit 100%.

Know that if you've taken the previous steps, then your success is guaranteed if you commit to the program. If you lose 1lb in a week, you have proven to yourself that YOU HAVE THE ABILITY to lose weight. You have chosen a path that works, and hopefully it's one you can maintain as away of life, and one that meets your specific needs. Your ability to lose 1lb in a week, transfers into 52lbs in a year, and 104 lbs in two years, and so on and so on.

No matter how much weight you have to lose, YOU CAN DO IT! But you must first commit to the program. You must say to yourself, that no matter what, you will follow through on your commitment, and follow the path you have chosen, until you reach your goal. Commit to your program!

This is perhaps the single most important thing any person can do to achieve weight loss success.

CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENY, CONSISTENCY! Have you ever asked someone about the top three most important things for business success, and heard them say "location, location, and location!" Well, for weight loss success it's "consistency, consistency, and consistency!" It's not enough to take responsibility, and to find our why, and to choose a plan of attack, you must be consistent. People who are unsuccessful at losing weight try several different things over the course of the year, always looking for the "right" or "best" or "fastest" way to lose the weight, and always changing their plan of attack. People who are thin and healthy consistently do the same thing, and follow the same plan day in and day out for years.

This point is SO important. It's small changes in the wrong accumulation of bad habits over the years that lead to weight gain for most people. You don't just wake up one day over weight, and you won't just wake up one day and have the body you want. But the good news is, the process CAN be reversed in the exact same way it was created. By making small changes in your life, in the right accumulating good habits, and practicing them every day, you WILL make progress every day.

The important thing here is not to get be consistent with your plan. This means if you go out to eat one night, and have WAY too many calories, cocktails, or whatever, DO NOT ADJUST FOR IT THE NEXT DAY. Yesterday is gone, and what you need to do is just resume your normal, daily routine, get back on the path you have chosen. By altering your path further, and making more changes to eat less, or exercise more the day after you eat too much or miss a workout, you will be falling even further from the path of consistency. When fit, healthy people over indulge one day, they simply resume their normal way of eating the next day. They don't punish, or starve themselves. Everything returns to normal. Consistency is the rule. Are you beginning to see what I'm talking about?

It's so important to choose a path, but even more important to STAY ON IT! Remember, it's the accumulation of good and healthy habits that produce weight loss success, and the only way to accumulate is to BE CONSISTENT!

Accountability provides you with additional support on your journey toward a healthier you. This is where the help of a family member, or a professional, can encourage you, and help keep you motivated when you begin to have doubts. Being held accountable to a program through another person is ESSENTIAL to your success. Until you develop proper eating habits, and until you develop new ways of thinking about yourself, food, and exercise, having another person to guide and assist you along the way can make all the difference between success, and failure.

Find someone,...a coach, trainer, friend or family member who is committed to you, and your success. After you have taken responsibility for yourself, determined why you eat, chosen a path, determined what your nutritional requirements are, and devised a plan for both your eating and your exercise, find a person who will keep you accountable to the plan. It's A LOT harder to skip a workout, cheat on your diet, or to lose consistency if there is someone waiting for you to show up and work out.

The right person to keep you accountable depends on you. Just make sure it's someone you trust, someone with proper knowledge about you and your goals, and someone who will provide you with the right balance of encouragement, support, and discipline you need to achieve your goals.

This is an important part of the weight loss process, and one which is often diminished, or left out of conventional weight loss methodology. I am here to set the record straight for you. This will not happen over night. This did not happen all at once, and it won't "unhappen" all at once either.

I am sorry to break this to you, but I'm sure if you've tried things in the past, unsuccessfully, to lose weight, you probably are beginning to understand this...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A QUICK FIX.

Programs, or people who try to sell you, or tell you otherwise are out for your money, not your success.

If this is not what you want to hear, I am sorry. If you don't believe me, that's OK too. But how many times have you tried, how many different "fast" ways to take weight off have you tried, that haven't worked?
This is because it's a process. It's a lifestyle change. Not a quick change in your diet, or the sudden elimination of a single food, or the adoption of a magic one. It's about LEARNING how to eat. How to think about food properly, and how to incorporate healthy foods and diets into your life, for your goals, and how to do it in a manner that you can maintain over time.

Healthy, sustainable weight loss occurs at a rate of anywhere between 1-2 lbs a week. That's right. Probably not what you wanted to hear. BUT THAT'S THE TRUTH. A pound may not seem like much. BUT the AMAZING thing about this is if you keep it up for a year, BE CONSISTENT in the path you've chosen for one year, and that 1lb turns into 52lbs. 104lbs in two years. See what I'm getting at here?

Accept that it takes time. You will not see success overnight, but do not let that discourage you. That 1lb you lost, if you have applied the above principles, is GONE FOREVER. Don't be discouraged...BE EXCTATIC at your 1lb loss! If you can lose 1lb in a week, then you have just proved to yourself that YOU HAVE THE POWER to lose ANY AMOUNT OF WEIGHT YOU WANT! Realize this. Understand this. Know this. BELIEVE THIS! Be consistent, accept time, keep your eye on the prize, and YOU WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT!

If you've taken the previous 9 principles to heart, then the final thing you need in order to successfully achieve your weight loss goal is to BELIEVE that you can do it. This can be difficult, especially if you've tried things in the past, perhaps several times, and seen no results or seen the weight come back on.

But I want you to know, that if you take the 10 principles listed here and APPLY them to your life, you CAN, you WILL lose weight, and keep it off. But you need to believe in yourself. You need to know, deep in your heart, that you can do it. You've taken responsibility for your actions. You've figured out why you eat.

You've chosen a path based on your diet and exercise preferences and requirements, and you've realized there is no ONE right way to lose weight. You've COMMITTED to your program, and committed being CONSISTENT. You've found someone to hold you accountable to your program, and you know that it will take time to achieve your goals, but that YOU CAN DO IT. Now...believe in yourself!!!

You have the ability to lose as much weight as you want to. You can choose to become the person you want! Listed here are your keys for taking weight off, and keeping it off. Your success will be determined by your determination, and by how sincerely you APPLY these principles to your life.

I want you to succeed. Apply these principles to your life, and I guarantee your success. YOU CAN DO IT!
James Steffy, CSCS
Owner- A Perfect Fit Personal Training
For more information on exercise, diet, or weight loss, please visit []
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Natural Weight Loss - 4 Diet Myths Revealed

When summer or that class reunion comes around, everyone wants to lose those extra pounds in order to look good in that strappy outfit or bikini. Unfortunately, natural weight loss is not an easy task. There are so many myths around losing weight that lead to diet fads that don't actually help you lose weight at all.
Let's take a look at four very popular diet fads and myths that really don't help in the cause of natural weight loss and which can actually make you gain weight. Let's also take a look at what really works in the weight loss process.

Weight Loss Myth #1: In order to lose the weight, you have to seriously cut out all calories in your diet plan. The real truth is that this just leaves you with terrible cravings and lowers your metabolic rate so that it is actually hard to lose the weight. You can't maintain a diet like this and will end up cheating on the diet, resulting in gains in weight that make up for whatever you lost.

Weight Loss Myth #2: You will be able to raise your metabolism if you choose to eat several small meals in a given day. It will raise your metabolism and you will lose weight faster. The truth is that natural weight loss comes from lowering somewhat the caloric content of every day but if you eat 2500 calories in a single meal in one day or spread it out throughout the day, you are still eating too many calories and you will not lose weight. The way you really burn fat is through changing your body composition. If you have a body that has a lot of lean muscle, you will sustain natural weight loss faster than if you have a lot of fat on your body. In other words, you need to work out every day in order to raise your metabolism and change the composition of your body to include excess muscle mass, which burns fat faster.

Weight Loss Myth #3: Fat is bad for you so that you should stick to a fat-free diet. This is a gross overstatement. While fat free foods are still popular at the grocery store, you need to realize that there is such a thing as good fat and your body cannot survive without healthy fat. You need to have a diet high in naturally fat free foods like fruits or vegetables but also consider including in your diet a balance of the fats found in fish and nuts. Avoid trans fats, which are solid at room temperature and make your food-eating focus more on eating healthy rather than on cutting out fat.

Weight Loss Myth #4: Milk and dairy products help a person lose weight. This is a marketing ploy set up by the dairy industry and is completely untrue. Milk has many impurities and is full of unhealthy fats. The calcium in the dairy products might help with natural weight loss, it can also be found in soy milk or in leafy green vegetables.

In order to get a handle on healthy ways to lose weight and get started with your own Natural Weight Loss Program, download your very own free copy of "An Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Red Hot Secrets to Turbo Charge Your Metabolism and Boost Your Weight Loss" by clicking the link below.

Get access to Dr. Berkowitz's FREE "Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Red Hot Secrets To TurboCharge Your Metabolism And Boost Your Weight Loss". Learn the 7 secrets to boost your weight loss.

Click here to download your FREE copy of the "Experts Guide to Weight Loss" at []
Frustrated by the confusion in the Weight Loss marketplace, through his research Dr. Bill developed a Weight Loss program founded on the Laws of Human Physiology.

He has also developed a companion Exercise Program that turns up the metabolism in just minutes a day. Click on this link to download your FREE copy of the "Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Red Hot Secrets to Weight Loss" []
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Weight Loss and Maintenance - Lessons For Us All

We live in a society where being thin is ideal. Images of rail-thin supermodels and waif-like movie stars adorn every billboard and television screen. We idolize people who are the thinnest of the thin-the thinnest five to ten percent of our population. It's ironic that we're also a nation of "super-sized" portions. The average portion size at a U.S. restaurant is more than 25% larger than our European counterparts.

Unfortunately, 64% of the American public is overweight and 33% of Americans are obese. Weight loss and maintenance are cornerstones of good health and happy living. Obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, depressed mood, and more. For most, weight loss and weight management should be realities of life.

But for many a desire to lose weight or maintain weight loss doesn't necessarily dictate success. Weight loss and weight maintenance are tough work and successful strategies vary based on how much weight a person needs to lose. Some people can succeed with diet and exercise alone, others need more invasive interventions like surgery. And even for those who are lucky enough to realize their desired weight, maintenance, although more straight-forward, can be even more difficult than the initial weight loss.

Weight loss: diet and exercise
The status of a person's weight is best determined by their Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a calculation derived from dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. For the calculation-averse, a BMI calculator is available on the National Institutes of Health website.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, people with BMI's between 18.5 and 24.9 are considered normal weight. People with BMI's between 25 and 29.9 are considered overweight. Those with BMI's between 30 and 39.9 are classified as obese. Finally, people with BMI's greater than 40 are categorized as morbidly obese.

For Americans who are simply overweight, self-control measures are a good place to start. Medical intervention is best reserved for obese individuals or overweight people who have medical problems or have failed self-managed diets on numerous occasions. Although exercise is important in any weight loss or weight maintenance regimen, research shows that diet is the most effective means of weight loss. A successful diet is a diet which is both balanced and calorically-restricted.

What does "calorically-restricted" mean? Everybody has a distinctive Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is defined as the minimum number of calories needed to maintain life activity at rest. It varies based on age, activity level, genetics and sex (men have higher BMR's than women). For example, a Mr. Universe body builder has a BMR that may be several times that of a bed-ridden senior citizen. In order to lose weight, a person must consume fewer calories than their BMR or maintain a diet equal to their minimum caloric requirements and burn off enough calories exercising to undercut their BMR.

According to the USDA, a balanced, calorically adequate diet that best approximates the BMR of an average American includes: 6-7 ounces of breads, cereal, rice and grain; 2 cups of fruit, 3 cups from the milk category, and about 6 ounces of meat, fish, nuts, poultry and beans. The USDA has developed resources that help people determine a diet which best approximates their own individual BMR based on their height and weight. These resources can be found at

All diets must be balanced because despite equivalent calorie counts not all types of food are equal. For example, a calorically-balanced diet high in trans-fats can damage the heart and facilitate the conversion of dietary fat to body fat. A balanced diet is a diet high in fiber (fresh fruits and vegetable) and low in saturated or animal fat. Trans-fats, often found in fast and junk foods, should be avoided altogether.

So what about diets like the Atkins or South Beach? Fad diets like the Atkins or South Beach normally serve as quick-fix panaceas. Few if any dieters can sustain the weight lost from such drastic dietary change. For many, eating only meats and proteins can only last so long before it's back to the cookies and cakes. Health researchers have found that people can only restrict their eating patterns for a short period of time before they crave the variety of a more balanced diet.

For overweight people intent on losing weight, exercise is also important. Exercise is the "yin" to diet's "yang." Exercise increases a person's BMR, maintains lean muscle, improves mood, burns off calories, and prevents disease such as diabetes and high cholesterol. Any exercise program should take into account the health and physical conditions of the person planning to work out. A good place for most people to start is walking between 150 and 200 minutes a week (30 minutes a day).

There's a certain psychology of weight loss. Taking advantage of how we perceive our world can facilitate our desire to lose weight. Health psychologists and weight loss experts have devoted lifetimes to studying what works and what doesn't. The following are just a few pointers from a long list of useful "mind tricks:"
* Logs and contracts: All people intent on losing weight should keep logs of how much they eat and how much they exercise. Logs help put everything in perspective and help dieters plan out what they need to do.

Diet and exercise contracts also help people lose weight. By writing a contract in concise and specific language, people make an obligation to themselves or others (for example another like-minded dieter) to devote themselves to losing weight.

* Stimulus control: Certain environments serve as keys or triggers to eat mindlessly. Good examples of mindless eating environments include sitting in front of the television watching "American Idol" or playing video games. Dieters should limit eating to one area of the house like the kitchen or dining room.

* Altering the act of eating: Most people eat too fast. By consuming food quickly, people end up not realizing that they're already full. It's important for dieters to slow down and enjoy their food.

* Social support: No dieter is an island. It's best to enlist the help of friends and family when losing weight.

But inevitably most diets fail. People often underestimate their caloric intake and strive for unattainable weight loss goals. Worst of all, dieters oftentimes end up gaining back weight in excess of what they lost. Many people develop an unhealthy history of failed diets and chronic weight loss and weight gain ("yo-yo dieting").

For some failed dieters, more intensive methods of diet and weight loss are beneficial, like Weight Watchers or medical supervision by a physician or health care professional. Others may need to pursue more invasive interventions.

Weight loss: pills and "going under the knife"
Many people never achieve desired health and cosmetic effects from diet and exercise alone. There are other options.

Certain obese people with BMI's between 30 and 40 are eligible for drug (medication) therapy. "Pills" include antidepressants, stimulants and medications like Orlistat which decreases the absorption of dietary fat. At best, medication only results in moderate weight loss ranging from 10 to 15 percent and ceases once a patient stops taking the drugs. Furthermore, all medications have side effects and weight loss pills are no different. For example, because of their high addiction-potential, stimulants are only recommended for short-term use.

Bariatric surgery is the best option for people who are morbidly obese (BMI's greater than 40) or people who are obese with BMI's greater than 35 and have medical problems such as diabetes, sleep apnea or coronary artery disease. Bariatric surgery has proven to curb medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and sleep apnea and drastically improve quality of life. There are two types of bariatric surgery: restrictive and malabsorptive.

Restrictive bariatric surgical procedures such as the gastric laparoscopic band (LAP-BAND) are becoming the most popular option for most morbidly obese patients. Restrictive bariatric procedures reduce the volume of the stomach and cause people to feel fuller faster. The LAP-BAND surgery involves placement of an adjustable band around the top of the stomach by a highly-qualified surgeon. Procedures such as the LAP-BAND have few medical repercussions and less than one percent of all people undergoing such procedures die afterwards. Qualification for the LAP-BAND isn't easy and varies by insurance carrier, but most insurance carriers require a history of failed attempts at diet and exercise and a battery of health visits with nutritionists, psychiatrists and other health professionals.

Furthermore, anybody desiring to undergo the LAP-BAND should be ready for a long commitment. The band must be rigorously maintained after surgery. Nevertheless, the LAP-BAND is an excellent option for those interested in losing a large amount of weight gradually and maintaining this weight loss.

Malabsorptive baratric surgical procedures such as the "Roux-en-Y" are more effective, resulting in more weight loss, but are also more dangerous. Patients receiving such surgical intervention have a surgeon remove part of their gut to interfere with absorption of foods. Following surgery, patients must be careful to eat certain types of foods and take proper nutritional substitutes. Furthermore, unlike the LAP-BAND, malabsorptive bariatric procedures are irreversible and carry a higher risk of medical problems stemming from nutrient deficiency, small bowel obstruction and infection.

Weight maintenance: a most difficult path
So you've lost the weight or you're happy with the weight you are at, now all you need to do is to maintain. But in this land of plenty, weight maintenance is difficult. Seemingly, candy bars grow from convenience store counters and McDonald's line every major throughway. What's the health-conscious John Q. Public to do?
Now more than ever maintaining a healthy well-balanced diet and exercise regiment is integral. Lifelong diligence is key. Additionally, cosmetic medical procedures like liposuction can help remove and contour subcutaneous fat.

As with weight loss, there's a psychology to weight maintenance:
* Visual cues: Health researchers, most notably Dr. Brian Wansink author of "Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think," find that people eat with their eyes not their stomachs. For example, Dr. Wansink found that people presented with a "bottomless" self-refilling bowl of soup ended up consuming 73% more soup than they would have otherwise. Furthermore, they didn't feel any more sated after doing so. Without a point of reference like an empty bowl, people just keep on eating. Anybody who's interested in maintaining their weight can take advantage of this simple psychology by buying small plates, smaller bowls, 100-calorie "snack" packs, and avoiding all-you-can-eat buffets altogether.

* Taking a day off: Health researchers also discovered that once physically fit people lose restraint they are more likely to keep on eating. In a quaint experiment, researchers fed obese and physically fit subjects a milkshake and then offered them as much ice cream as they wanted. The thinner subjects, who are normally restrained in their eating patterns, threw caution to the wind and ate more ice cream than their obese counterparts. This line of thinking influenced the common recommendation that everybody take off one day a week from strict diet maintenance. People intent on maintaining their weight should eat a bowl of ice cream and a couple cookies every Sunday night after "The Simpsons" instead of eating a candy bar every other day.
With respect to weight loss and maintenance, everybody controls their own destiny. It's important for all of us to realize that healthy living is within our control. Determination is the key to proper weight loss and maintenance. We all hold the keys to our own slimmer and healthier selves.

Dr. Amir Rassoli, a long-practicing internist and emergency room physician, heads the Center for Beautiful Bodies (, a premier cosmetic surgery clinic in Houston, TX.
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Quick Weight Loss Diets - How to Make Them Work

Quick weight loss diets are popular due to the faster initial weight loss they can achieve and they are less harmful and more beneficial. You lose weight fast during the initial stages, due to the net loss of water weight since protein and carbohydrates both help hold water in body cells. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits.

Does this mean that quick weight loss diets don't work? They do, but only when you understand the role that quick weight loss diets play in your overall lifestyle. The important thing before starting any diet regimen is to ask, "Can I do this for the rest of my life?" If the answer is no, then don't try the diet; it will only harm you in the long run if you start a yo-yo cycle of weight "loss-gain-loss" again and again.

Quick weight loss diets are not intended for prolonged use. Although you may not notice a problem at first, your body will soon stop responding to the diet and the weight loss will reach a plateau. Quick weight loss diets, say professional dermatologists, often lack proper nutrition and rapid weight loss in itself can also trigger metabolism changes that affect hair growth. For the healthiest hair, physicians say that the best weight loss programs are reduced calorie diets that promote gradual weight loss and a healthy diet using foods from all the food groups.

Exercise and diet go hand in hand with a successful weight loss plan. Exercise should be enjoyable, otherwise you won't continue. If you feel you don't have time for anything, try jumping rope, or incorporate your exercise into something else you do, for example, if you work or live in a high rise building, take the stairs up and down. Exercising does you no good if you just go out and eat more when you are finished. Dieting is the first key to any truly successful weight loss, especially when you want to make sure that you not only get those pounds off, but that you keep them off, too.

Quick weight loss diets do work, but they work even better combined with regular sustained physical activity for forty-five minutes or more at least five days a week. Remember that it's important to check with your physician if you have a substantial amount of weight to lose, if you have any type of health condition, and/or you do not exercise on a regular basis or are sedentary.

Eating breakfast every day is contrary to the typical pattern for the average overweight person who is trying to diet. Then they get hungry and consume most of their calories late in the day. Eating right using pre-planned recipes that incorporate foods that strengthen rather than weaken and bloat your system is critical. Successful dieting is about being prepared with proper quantities of healthy food in all situations. Eat regular meals 5 times a day but not much.

Strive to eat balanced and healthy meals while still controlling your caloric intake. In this way you will be more likely to maintain your weight loss instead of gaining back the pounds. Instead of high-fat products, lower fat options are recommended. These diets also generally include such things as whole grain foods, plenty of water, low-fat proteins and more.

One tip to immediately cut down your calorie intake is by reducing your normal food portion in half. In most cases, the serving sizes you get in restaurants and fast food joints are more than what you need. By reducing your portion size, you still get to enjoy your normal foods and cut down your calorie intake immediately!

Quick weight loss diets abound, both online and locally in your city. While local weight loss programs are generally more expensive than online programs, the face-to-face support may be exactly what you need to help you take off the excess weight.

Permanent lifestyle changes are the only way to remain at your target weight once you reach it. Quick weight loss diets will help you lose weight, just remember to do it right, the healthy way.
Want to lose weight fast? Find out the well-known secrets of quick weight loss with our weight loss strategies and information.

Learn how to attain Quick Weight Loss [] Safely and Healthily.
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Top Three Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

Choosing the right and healthy weight loss diet plan not require some research on how effective the weight loss plan is in helping you attain your weight loss goal in good time but also whether the plan is one that leads to long term weight loss. healthy weight loss diet plan should be the aim of many dieters but not many know how to know a healthy weight loss diet plan. This article will help you determine which weight loss plan is a healthy weight loss diet plan and which is not.

The best and healthy weight loss diet plan should be those that will change you the way you think about foods, it should be one that helps you make healthy choices that will leading to losing weight. Any one trying or thinking of losing weight should look the way of any weight loss plan that deals with reeducation, balanced diet and healthy weight loss exercise. Any plan that deals with such factors as mentioned above would not only help you to lose weight but also help you keep it off and stay healthy, which means you can lose weight and still be making the right choices.

Stay off Yo-Yo Dieting
Yo-Yo diets are not only a bad way to lose weight but also cause diverse health problems to any one on them, both physically and emotionally. Any one on Yo-Yo diets should know that any weight lost through this method will be regained and even more in the nearest future. You should also know that whenever you lose weight and you regained it back you are teaching your body how to fail and sending a wrong message to your brain - telling your brain to adapt to failure. It is always advisable to adopt the best weight loss tips available so as to prepare yourself for a lifelong weight loss diet plan that is healthy and successful. Make this lifestyle change the permanent one through sensible choices and positive tactics.

Psychological Reasons
The best weight loss tips are those which are seen to be successful. Any dieter who is seeing the required result is most likely to continue whatever created the results in the first place. Psychological aspect of weight loss is as important as the physical aspect of a weight loss plan. The aim or goal or healthy eating and a change in life style over a long time should be the result of any weight loss plan that is selected and implemented by the dieter. You can always use supplements to start but your main aim should be to make healthy choices all the time.

Implement a New and healthy Lifesytle
for a long term weight loss plan, the new regimen and a change in your eating will also lead to a change your thoughts about life in general. You are certain to keep off the weight because you are now wiser and are now making better choices when it comes to food and exercise and some other activities which you enjoy. If you learn how not to return to your old ways of eating, activity levels and other bad life styles you will maintain the your ideal weight levels and never get fat again. These life styles if maintain for a very long time will will become the norm, even without thinking about the choices you are making.

The above weight loss tips are one of the many Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plans available to help those who want to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. The key to healthy weight loss is getting Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan and stick to it and also make healthy eating habit a part of your daily lifestyle. Exercise regularly.

Learn to forgive yourself if you skip one of your daily routine but make sure you don't quit. And most importantly expect success. Success will not be achieved instantly but if you persist, you would get there. All these things will help you to take the weight off and keep it off for a lifetime. When the new way of living and eating becomes the norm, then you will never again need to go on a diet.
Some Diets claim you will lose 9 pounds in 11 days. Is it true? Find out the real story here find out the truth
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Have You Tried Milk and Weight Loss As Your Diet Plan? Did it Work Like This?

Milk and weight loss - does it go together? We have all seen the milk commercials that promote milk as a good way to lose weight, but does it really work. Researchers now have tested this theory out - find out more by reading.

Milk  in the News
The Natural News had this to say about milk and weight loss, '"There is no evidence that dairy consumption helps people lose weight, according to a study conducted by researchers published in the journal Nutrition Review."

Researchers Reviews
The researchers reviewed the results of 49 different clinical trials that examined the connection between either dairy or calcium supplement consumption and the changes that occur when you do consume dairy products or take calcium supplements. The results were over-whelming. Out of the studies the following was recorded:

- 41 studies showed no weight
- 5 showed a correlation with weight loss
- 2 showed an actual weight gain
- 1 study found no impact on weight but a decrease in the accumulation of body fat.

This is verifiable testing that shows milk and weight loss do not necessarily go hand in hand. When you partake of dairy products, researchers have found out that you also consume more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. With these great choices, you will lose weight faster and easier. All of these things have complex carbohydrates instead of the over-processed carbohydrates that are found in white breads and bleached white grains and white rice. Women who have higher dairy or calcium consumption also are less prone to smoke or drink. Those same women are also more likely to exercise and take vitamin supplements.

The Direction of a Good Weight Loss Program
This research goes a long way to point you in the direction of a good solid weight loss program instead of just picking what you think will work and hope for the best. Instead of listening to the dairy industry, which has a vested interest in touting the supposed weight-loss benefits of milk and weight loss, you need to choose a weight loss plan that encompasses good eating habits along with exercise.

Many health experts advise that rather than expecting a single product to function as a miracle food, those wishing to lose weight should instead focus on a balanced, healthy diet with consistency.

You and Your Weight Loss Program
When you decide on a good weight loss program, it should not only fit your lifestyle it should contain a good variety of good, healthy foods. If you choose a weight loss program that has limited menu choices, then you will quickly tire of those choices and ultimately lose the battle. Generally speaking, if you can retrain your brain to eat healthy meals, stop the munching all day and eat when you are hungry instead of eating when you are bored, stressed, depressed, lonely or sad, then you will succeed!

Steps of Healthy Weight Loss Program
Following these simple steps to your weight loss program will catapult your weight loss into the double digits!

1.) Find a program that fits your lifestyle.

If you are not fond of cooking, a diet plan that requires you to cook will not work! So do not choose a weight loss program that requires you to do something that you are not going to do.

Hint: Nothing will excuse you from exercising and improving your eating habits. If you do not exercise and change the way you eat, you are not going to lose the weight you want to very fast.

2.) Decide the "why" - you have to have a motivating reason why you want to lose weight. If your reason is not motivating enough to stop food in mid air - find another one! There will be times that your reason why will be the only thing that motivates you to exercise, eat less and eat healthy - Get a good one!

3.) Make sure you are healthy enough to go on the program you have chosen!

Please take the time to check with your doctor before you go on a weight loss program to see if there are any under lying problems that could limit your success.

4.) Choose a diet that makes sense. One that is healthy and has plenty of options If you are contemplating taking weight loss supplements - either in the form of a weight loss pill or weight loss patch.- Please take the time to check them out. Some companies have tested their products in a double blind test - look at the test results before using their products. Don't trust the companies that have not gone through this process. The good ones have tested their products to insure their safety as well as their results.

5.) Carry through with your weight loss program.

This is the hardest things to do - to carry through with your plans. How many times have you decided to do something and then dropped it like a hot potato because it did not work fast enough or it was not fun enough. Buckle down - just do it. It has to be done for your health's sake so just do it!

6.) Enlist a support person, group or friend. With the right support you can move mountains!

7.Give yourself some praise. You are taking one of life's hardest journeys - the weight loss journey. Losing weight just takes some time and committed dedication. You are worth it - you are worth every calorie you don't put in your mouth - you are worth every moment you exercise. After all, if you do not take care of yourself - who is?

Copyright (c) 2008 Phyllis Ekleberry
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Fast Weight Loss - A No-Brainer

It is common knowledge that the key to opening the door of weight loss is eating lesser calories and exercising more often -but just a few people actually use that key. Why...? It's because they all attempt finding quick weight loss plans that might work in the short-term (i.e. helping them lose a few pounds quickly), but definitely wouldn't work in the long-term because it really does not provide measures to maintain the loss.

If you fall under the category of those that believe that the next rapid weight loss fad would work for them, then I guess you should have a complete rethink. To be candid, this quickie diets have nothing to offer except for the loss of water weight and surprisingly -muscle mass.

What does this mean? It means that achieving a true weight loss actually involves a long-term commitment to restructuring one's lifestyle from start to finish, most importantly when it relates to one's diet and exercise.

Although, there exist a few situations when perhaps an instant weight loss would be satisfactory.

Although fast weight loss methods do come handy in some situations, but for a sustainable results, you need to show commitment and eagerness towards re-planning your lifestyle that mainly targets your diet and exercise. Other fast weight reducing methods only result in water weight loss or muscle mass loss. A genuine weight loss requires time, patience and commitment. However, in some situations, you can use these fast weight loss plans that can come handy.

Can't wait? Need Fast Results?
Are you just a few extra pounds far from reaching your ideal weight? Do you want to get rid of these few extra pounds? And do you really want to get rid of these extra pounds within a couple of weeks? If your answer is yes then the only solution for you is to show strong willpower and start working on your fast weight loss plan now.

One of the most important parts of any weight loss method is excessive drinking of water. Whether you are using shorter and temporary weight reducing plans or long-term and permanent weight reducing plans, drinking excessive amounts of water is a must in every weight reducing plan.

Drinking more water results in flushing more fat; hence hydrating your body. Another advantage of drinking more water is the fact that by doing this, you will eat less because your stomach would be already filled with water. So it is always recommended to drink a glass of water before your start your meal, in this way, you will eat less.

Eating less is really a difficult task if your stomach is empty and you have your favorite meal in front of you. However, even if you have your favourite meal in front of you but you have had enough water before it, then you would be eating less than what you would have eaten if you hadn't had enough water before it.

In a fast weight loss method, you will be required to cut off the intake of sugary drinks, also called as fizzy drinks. You can substitute fizzy drinks with skimmed milk or zero calorie drinks. If you can continue this, it will guarantee weight loss of approximately 15 pounds in a year. But this can't be achieved if you haven't cut off fat and carbohydrates from your daily diet.

Here are some more useful ideas.

If you join any club with the intention of reducing weight by not using fast weight losing methods then you require really strong willpower since it will take time. If you goal is to reduce weight then you must show strong willpower. However, as mentioned earlier, there are times when a fast weight loss method can actually help you.

You can use these methods during your struggle for reducing weight using traditional diet and exercise methods; making fast weight loss as a secondary method accompanied by the primary diet and exercise.
The Hidden Secret of Negative-Calorie Foods - One secret to shedding that excess pounds is that practiced by most fast weight loss experts which is the taking-in of negative calorie foods in place of high calorie foods. One has to keep in mind that every food contains calories but for a particular food to gain that negative calorie label, the body would have to expend more energy in digesting it for further absorption.
Examples of these fast weight loss foods include cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, papaya, celery, apples, cranberries, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, grapefruit etc.

If you want to achieve fast weight loss then the combination of increased intake of water with negative calorie foods and exercising often would pose no difficulties in losing those few pounds that would transform you to your dream-size within a few weeks. But remember, the temporary loss of weight is only a stopgap unless you start a long-term dietary plan.

Shedding excess pounds can be difficult. But What if I told you that there is a method out there that combines fast weight loss with a genuine long-term sustainable weight loss plan that has showed remarkable results? Click here for more information.
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